I Am Art

  • Self-Love

    Self-love is so important to our mental health. Every young person has beauty, value, and purpose but may not be in the best environments where others tell them that. Young people who love themselves are more likely to believe in their abilities, build resilience when challenges arise, and make conscious decisions that promote restoration and transformation.

  • We Gotta Talk About It

    When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you like what you see? This is a common question that many of us face daily and most of the time negative thoughts take over if our self-esteem is low. Having honest, confidential conversations and providing essential support to our youth now will promote positive behaviors and thoughts as they grow older.

  • Develop Skills

    This is a space where young people can not only develop art skills, but also build their self-esteem, coping skills, social skills, and communication skills. One-on-one support will be available to help young people focus on their internal and external features and build relationships with others.

The beauty in portraiture.

Art is more than just creation—it’s a pathway to self-discovery, confidence, and empowerment. I Am Art is six-week workshop series is designed for elementary and middle school students to explore art as a tool for self-expression while building self-esteem in a supportive, judgment-free environment. Through guided projects, participants will not only develop art skills but also engage in reflective practices that help them recognize their own worth beyond peer validation.

Each session blends hands-on art-making with conversations about personal identity, self-worth, and creative exploration. Rather than focusing solely on technical accuracy, the workshops encourage students to discover what they love about themselves and their artistic voices. There is beauty in self-love and self-worth.

Materials are provided and will include 11x14 canvases, paints, palettes, brushes, and mirrors for self-portrait exploration. We are collecting lightly used or brand new donations for essential materials:

  • 10-12 mini mirrors

  • 10-12 mini easels

  • Primary and secondary color craft paints

  • Various sized paint brushes 

  • Spill proof paint cups

  • Paint palettes or a book of palette paper

If you have any that you would like to donate, email dyamond@theonlypipeline.org.

Grab your brush.

Ages: Elementary and middle school students, 8-12 years old

Duration: 90-minute sessions that occur once a week for 6 weeks

Class Size: 7-10 students per series to prioritize 1:1 support

Location: 32 E Baltimore Ave, Lansdowne, PA 19050

Dates: Every Wednesday from April 2nd to May 7th

Time: 4:30pm - 6:00pm

Parental waivers are required for participation, covering materials, topics, and environment.

We will collaborate with communities, schools, counselors, and student clubs to reach youth who may benefit most, including those experiencing social anxiety.

This program is more than an art class. It’s a space for young people to see themselves as valuable, capable, and creative individuals. Elementary and middle school students are in an important developmental phase and there is no better time for our youth to embrace their own inner and outer beauty.